中電控股是亞太區最大的電力公司之一,當中,Smart Energy Connect屬中電控股旗下線上平台,專門提供能源管理方案。Smart Energy Connect透過將嶄新科技融入可持續發展方案,包括智能照明、能源監控等,減低目標對象的能源消耗,為其節省金錢及時間,攜手塑造可持續發展的未來。

中電控股是亞太區最大的電力公司之一,當中,Smart Energy Connect屬中電控股旗下線上平台,專門提供能源管理方案。Smart Energy Connect透過將嶄新科技融入可持續發展方案,包括智能照明、能源監控等,減低目標對象的能源消耗,為其節省金錢及時間,攜手塑造可持續發展的未來。
INJOY Health 祈樂以全天然營養草本為基礎,利用科研實證和先進技術,
With over 21 years of experience in manufacturing products for educational and corporate sectors, Hanshin becomes one of the world’s leading manufacturers of interactive systems. With innovative approaches and continuous efforts in bringing new ways of teaching & learning, business communication, and also home/public entertainment, we consistently provide a broad range of products in order to enhance and inspire customer’s experience in interactive systems.
We, at Jaydenbaby Products Limited, are a company that distributes high-quality maternal and infant products from all over the world. Our mission is to “Make Parents’ Lives Easy” and to help parents find the best products for their children. In our fast-paced society, kids are always attending classes, activities, playdates, and visiting relatives. We hope that by introducing these products, parents can enjoy more time with their children.
信興集團多年來於港、澳地區銷售Panasonic電器,深受用戶歡迎。其轄下之信興電器貿易有限公司–工程統籌處,與其他的信興集團成員公司,共同為客戶提供一站式的完善服務,由策劃統籌、產品供應、以至售後服務等一應 俱全,周全妥善,服務範圍包括:
惠達企業成立於1985年,是一家以香港為總部,提供一站式辦公室採購平台的公司。我們主要的服務對象為香港、國內及澳門各大小企業、機構及分銷商。 我們銷售的產品種類多樣化,如打印機及耗材,辦公室文儀器材及配件、 文具、電腦設備及軟件等等。
Kings Cross is Distributor of ViewSonic Interactive Flat Panel and Signage. Team of KC has much experience for IFP solution for education of K12, HK Govt, Universities and High Education, and different commercial clients by industries. ViewSonic a visual solution company by listening to our customers and creating products, services, and sustainable ecosystems that enhance visual engagement for the betterment of our customers. ViewSonic is specialist and have 40 years’ experience in visual solution. Kings Cross HK is the sole distributor for providing IFP and signage solutions of ViewSonic.
GoCO is a company dedicated to provide All-in-one interactive online classroom education platform so that teachers or tutors can conduct high quality online teaching in a safe and comprehensive learning environment anytime and anywhere for the benefits of students. Moreover, we continue to promote STEM education to broaden students’ learning horizon so as to inspire and nurture a new generation of talents with solid scientific and technological knowledge to become outstanding professionals in the future.