中電控股是亞太區最大的電力公司之一,當中,Smart Energy Connect屬中電控股旗下線上平台,專門提供能源管理方案。Smart Energy Connect透過將嶄新科技融入可持續發展方案,包括智能照明、能源監控等,減低目標對象的能源消耗,為其節省金錢及時間,攜手塑造可持續發展的未來。
中電控股是亞太區最大的電力公司之一,當中,Smart Energy Connect屬中電控股旗下線上平台,專門提供能源管理方案。Smart Energy Connect透過將嶄新科技融入可持續發展方案,包括智能照明、能源監控等,減低目標對象的能源消耗,為其節省金錢及時間,攜手塑造可持續發展的未來。
GoCO is a company dedicated to provide All-in-one interactive online classroom education platform so that teachers or tutors can conduct high quality online teaching in a safe and comprehensive learning environment anytime and anywhere for the benefits of students. Moreover, we continue to promote STEM education to broaden students’ learning horizon so as to inspire and nurture a new generation of talents with solid scientific and technological knowledge to become outstanding professionals in the future.